With great enthousiasm, the fairy tale«The arrogant chicken that longed to be a turkey» was presented. Children from all the classes of the elementary school listen the fairy tale carefully and with great interest and played games with great enthousiasm, which entertain them and they learned the values of life.
Fairy tale presentation: «The arrogant chicken that longed to be a turkey» from the writer, dressed as princess, at «Pirates» playground. After the narration of the fairy tale the children played creative games and learned the values of self-confidence, love, acceptance, compassion, simplicity, forgiveness and solidarity.
«The arrogant chicken that longed to be a turkey», at the cafe “Τhe Barrister”, Thessaloniki. An entertaining and educational fairy tale-comic, for children of elementary school, that learns the values of self-confidence, acceptance, love and solidarity. The presentation of the fairy tale was done by the poet Elina Meimaridou.
The fairy tale is presented also in private schools as a two hours lesson and includes: 1) Theatrical narration of the fairy tale 2) A board game 3) The wheel of values 4) The tree of values
Voluntary performance from animateur Tosodoula and her company, for the non-profit organization «Chidren’s smile». It was a unique morning with Christmas fairy tales at «Malliaris» bookstore, Thessaloniki. Children and grown-ups, with the help of the music and the theatrical narration, we all traveled to the magic world of fairy tales!